Tootsie Olan Yoga + Dance Retreat
B e l i z e
JANUARY 18th-22ND 2025
TRAVEL Info Request

Please complete travel + allergy form below. Yes, please submit flight information again: Some have not yet submitted flight info. Sometimes information is input incorrectly. Some flights change. We’ve seen it all.

We will be catching one of two picturesque commuter flights from Belize City to Punta Gorda Airstrip.
Reminder that you will want to land at least one hour before the offered commuter flights (on January 18th).
Commuter flights from Belize City are at 2pm and 4:45pm.
Commuter flights from Punta Gorda (our hotel area) to Belize City are at 6:35am/10:05am and then 11:50am.
Book return flights home that leave Belize City Airport no earlier than 11am (on January 22nd).
Thank you!

Your Information